He had also received a Christmas gift from his wife that inspired his creative process: a Solidoodle2 3D printer. Sterley wanted a Crimson Fist that in appearance remained faithful to the game models but he also wanted something more complex than other cosplayers’ foam versions (like Henrik Pilerud, who inspired much of Sterley’s build process). Their armor is predominantly blue but the right hand is distinguished by its intimidating - you guessed it - Crimson Fist. One of the most formidable Space Marine chapters is the Crimson Fists. Powerful warriors - including the genetically modified, superhuman Space Marines - defend humanity from these tyrants. In this forty-first millennium, war-torn universe, various races and factions of humans are the oppressed masses of an interstellar empire ruled by the tyrannical Eldar, the Orks ,and the Daemons. It’s the futuristic version of its predecessor, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, set in a dystopian sci-fi future. For those readers unfamiliar with Warhammer 40k - the game’s full title is Warhammer 40,000, - here’s a quick summary: Warhammer 40k is a traditional, board-oriented RPG, made by Games Workshop.